About Us
Serving Your Home Buying Needs!
Kee Builders Inc. of Murfreesboro has been serving the needs of prospective home owners in northeast North Carolina and southeast Virginia for over 30 years.
We offer custom homes through our design service. Customers can bring us their floor plan,
have our staff designer draw a custom plan, or choose from our collection of standard floor plans.
Our community partners include:
Contact us at 252 398-5765, or send us an e-mail.
Levernon Kee 'Vernon' LeDora Kee Levernon Kee, Jr.
To contact us, call:
252 398-5765
Or Visit us at:
10942 US 258 Hwy South
Murfreesboro, NC 27855
Or use our contact form.
Our New Website
We're glad you found our new website - now you can learn all about our services online!